Transparent double-sided , ITO-free, flexible dye-sensitized solar cells based on metal wire/ZnO nanowire arrays
By Wei Wang , Qing Zhao , Heng Li , Hongwei Wu , Dechun Zou , and Dapeng Yu
Transparent, double-sided, flexible, ITO-free dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) are fabricated in a simple, facile, and controllable way. Highly ordered, high-crystal-quality, high-density ZnO nanowire arrays are radially grown on stainless steel, Au, Ag, and Cu microwires, which serve as working electrodes. Pt wires serve as the counter electrodes. Two metal wires are encased in electrolyte between two poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) films (or polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) films) to render the device both flexible and highly transparent. The effect of the dye thickness on the photovoltaic performance of the DSSCs as a function of dye-loading time is investigated systematically. Shorter dye-loading times lead to thinner dye layers and better device performance. A dye-loading time of 20 min results in the best device performance. An oxidation treatment of the metal wires is developed effectively to avoid the galvanic-battery effect found in the experiment, which is crucial for real applications of double-metal-wire DSSC configurations. The device shows very good transparency and can increase sunlight use efficiency through two-sided illumination. The double-wire DSSCs remain stable for a long period of time and can be bent at large angles, up to 107°, reversibly, without any loss of performance. The double-wire-PET, planar solar-cell configuration can be used as window stickers and can be readily realized for large-area-weave roll-to-roll processing.
Above results have been published on line in Advanced Functional Materials (, 2012.
Figure: a). Double-metal-wire/PET, double-sided, transparent DSSC device. The Pt acts as the counter electrode. The highly ordered, well aligned, high-density ZnO-nanowire arrays radially grown on Fe microwire act as working electrodes. The two metal wires were encapsulated in two pieces of PET film. b). The device showed very good transparency. Inset: The device showed very good flexibility with very large bending angle.