Medical Service

Peking University Hospital, Peking University Third Hospital and nearby hospitals are well-equipped with comprehensive medical facilities and accessible to all students. If you experience any health issues, please bring your passport/ID card and campus card for registration and to schedule medical appointments.

- Peking University Hospital/北京大学医院:

Address: North Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District

Emergency Phone Number: +86-10-6275.1919

- Peking University Third Hospital/北京大学第三医院:

Address: No. 49 North Huayuan Road, Haidian District

Emergency Phone Number: +86-10-8226.6699

Medical Insurance

- All students admitted to this program are required to have medical insurance coverage for the entire duration of their studies. The insurance plan must, at a minimum, cover accidental injuries and hospitalization. If your current health insurance already provides coverage for the entire program, you do not need to purchase an additional plan.

- Before the enrollment date, you must email a copy of your health insurance plan to Please ensure that your insurance certificate is written in either English or Chinese to meet the requirement.