Ya-Qing Bie†, Yang-Bo Zhou†, Zhi-Min Liao*, Kai Yan, Song Liu, Qing Zhao, Shishir Kumar, Han-Chun Wu, Georg S. Duesberg, Graham L. W. Cross, Jun Xu, Hailin Peng, Zhongfan Liu, and Da-Peng Yu*
[†] Y.Q.B and Y.B.Z contributed equally to this work.
Advanced Materials, 2011,http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/adma.201102122
Graphene, a monolayer of sp2-bonded carbon atoms, since it’s born, is attractive for its distinctive physical properties, such as linear band dispersion, massless Dirac fermions, extremely high mobility, special quantum Hall effect, and gate voltage tunable optical transitions. Those remarkable electrical and optical properties make it an attractive candidate for potential applications in integrated bipolar field effect transistors (FETs), transparent electrodes for solar cells as well as other micro-scale functional devices.
Although mechanical exfoliation is an effective and successful graphene preparation method for fundamental research, it is not a scalable process. Alternative methods, using epitaxial and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) growth of graphene provide a combination of relatively good quality and well-defined layers over large scales. Accordingly, various techniques have been developed to transfer epitaxial and CVD grown graphene to different substrates, however, it has been quite challenging to avoid various extrinsic doping effects, maintain graphene quality, and meet shape and site-specific requirements during the transfer process.
In this paper, we report a new method of site-specific transfer of individual graphene microsheets to arbitrary substrates by combining chemical etching, e-beam lithography, and micromanipulation technique together. The surface-enhanced Raman spectrum, gate-voltage-dependent conductance, half-integer quantum Hall effect, and electrical interconnection are investigated to prove the advantages of the technique, include precise positioning, avoiding extrinsic doping effect, maintaining the graphene quality, improving the efficiency of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) grown graphene deployment, and convenient device repair.

Figure left:Transfer scheme; middle:Single graphene micro-pattern with Hall bar electrodes; right: Longitudinal and Hall resistance versus gate voltage at low temperature and high magnetic field.